Stay Sharp
You know when something happens that you know will be transformational, you just feel it in your bones? The day you were saved? A graduation? A wedding? Well for me in the last year I have had two. The first was 21 days of prayer and fasting which is a ministry of Church of the Highlands in Alabama, but a second was the purchase of a book called Fervent by Priacilla Shirer. I have already ordered copies for friends.
This is a little break from recent posts about Living Water, soil and mountains but I feel compelled to share. God has been really working on my prayer life in the last 18 months. I often prayed Eph 6:13-17 about the armor of God but while reading today I realized I had missed the significance of vs 18.
"Pray in the Spirit at all times, with every kind of prayer and petition. To this end, stay alert with all perseverance in your prayers for all the saints. "
I have often thought only the Sword of truth (the Bible) was our offensive weapon but that's not true. Prayer at all times in the Spirit puts us into alignment with God and His purposes.
Ch 1 of this book is about passion and regaining and keeping our holy fervency. About keeping our passion sharp. I loved the story of the lost axe head based on 2 Kings 1-7. Here are my takeaways:
1. When the axe head was lost the presence of God was still near by through his representative Elisha. God is always with us fervent or not, sharp or dull.
2. The servant was doing something good when he literally lost his edge. Doing good is not an automatic hedge from the enemy.
3. The axe was borrowed. Our passion, our fire is a gift of God not something we have to dig up.
4. Only a work of God could retrieve the axe. We cannot restore Godly passion only Jesus can restore it to us.
Missing your fire, your passion? Go to God and get it back.
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