Rocky Soil

 "The seed falling on rocky ground refers to someone who hears the word and at once receives it with joy.But since they have no root, they last only a short time. When trouble or persecution comes because of the word, they quickly fall away. Matt 13: 20-21"

The next type of soil we are going to look at is rocky soil. technically all soilss are rocky because they are formed from the erosion of the bedrock found on the bottom of their soil hoizon. But did you know that not all rocks are created equal?

There are basically 4 different types of rock:    

    1, Magma - which is the melted rock found in volcanoes

    2. Igneous - which is formed from the cooling of lava which is basically magma outside of the volcano that cools quickly or very slowly.

    3. Metamorphic - which is formed from other rocks that have been pressed together with tremendous heat and pressure and is generally the hardest type of rock

    4. Sedimentary - which is formed by the cementation of sand, pebbles and even small fossils generally the softest type of rock

Now rocks are all mixtures of various minerals and minerals also have varying hardness with Talc being an example of a soft mineral and diamond a hard one. But all the rocks have one common characteristic PRESSURE. And any rock type can be transfomed into one of the other types under the right circumstances  this is called the rock cycle

So to me this begs the question what kind of rocks are your rocky soils made up of? What kind of heat and pressure have formed these rocks in you?

The good news is that the hardest of rocks can be converted into soil. Ironically the  biddest erosive force is the sun (Son) just saying the secod biggest factor is water. The third your position, the fourth how hard your parent rock is and the fifth is time.  So ask God to show you his rocky places it will take some time to break it down into productive soil for only then will your joy not be a passing thing.


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