Reflecting patterns

All of us have played with Legos or blocks at some point to build things. When we found a combination that worked we stuck with it. This is how to build a house .... When we were playing we were creating like our Creator does. 

We already talked about chaos theory, but I am still stuck on patterns. So how does this relate to building things? You might remember I mentioned fractals as a characteristic of a chaotic system No two are alike but they demonstrate self reference.


We are all made in God's image. We are all fractals.

Genesis 1:26 ESV 

Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”

Genesis 1:27 ESV 

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created 

Job 33:4 

The Spirit of God has made me, and the breath of the Almighty gives me life.

1 Corinthians 11:7 

For a man ought not to cover his head, since he is the image and glory of God, but woman is the glory of man

So mankind is a kind of fractal, no two are alike, yet we all have characteristics that are similar. You can just look and tell the difference between species. Even though humans go further those patterns go down to the genetic level.

We all have a blueprint inside our DNA found in the nucleus of the cell. 

mRNA goes into the blueprint vault (the nucleus) and copies the part of the blueprint that your body wants to make. The mRNA goes out to the ribosomes (your cell's factory) where tRNA gathers the materials  indicated on the blueprint and rRNA assembles them in the pattern indicated on the blueprint.

The writing on the blueprints is written in a shorthand called codons. A codon is 3 purines or pyrimidines alot like an alphabet, example AUG is the codon that tells RNA to start copying the blueprint here. 

There are 4 repeating letters found in DNA are A, C, G, T  adenine, cytosine, guanine and thymine. These nucleotides always come in pairs. A with T ans C with G. This is important because when RNA copies the blueprint it does it backwards. It makes a reflection. So when mRNA and tRNA build they also build backwards so that puts you back to the original a reflection of a reflection is back to the original.

The copies are reflections just as we are "reflections as in a mirror". So what is C in the DNA, in the nucleus pairs, matches with G in the mRNA which takes it to the ribosomes, where tRNA and mRNA switch it back to the original C as they construct the amino acid. 

One weird thing is RNA doesn't speak pure DNA so when it copies A. It does it with U (uracil) since there is no T in the RNA language. I think this is important too because when you make copies, of copies of copies errors can creep in and one place is in translation or RNA to DNA and vis versa.

Each codon makes up an amino acid, which are then grouped to form proteins which do everything in you body. There are 20 amino acids. If we only had 1 base pair we could only make 4 amino acids. If we had two, 4 squared  or 16 which is still short of 20 so we have 3 base pairs which means we have 64 different possible combinations. This means that several of those amino acids have more than one codon tha can code for them. This is a biological principle called redundancy.

We see redundancy several times in anatomy especially in critical organ systems. Our heart is actually 2 hearts one that supplies the lungs and heart the cardiovascular system and one that provides the body the systemic system. This system allows greater oxygenation of the blood which allows for larger organisms. We also have two kidneys and two lungs, but did you know we have THREE brains. Each with a different function.

If we are made in God's image, doesn't it blow your mind that the mechanism God uses for us to be made - genetics also uses a self referencing scheme? EVERY Living organism is a reflection of this scheme, EVERY ONE.  God's nature is true to itself.

We are "fearfully and wonderfully made"




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