God and Chaos Theory

I'm not much of a mathematician but one concept I love is chaos theory. Chaotic systems are a reason to learn calculus!!! There had to be one! So what is chaos theory? Chaos theory is a theory of complexity - Today, “complex systems pervade every nook and cranny of daily life, from the patterns of traffic in urban transport networks to the movement of prices in financial markets. In these systems the processes are fundamentally different from the simple systems that have constituted the focus of the scientific enterprise since Newton.” (Casti, 1997, p. ix) Some characteristics of a chaotic system Paradoxes opposite of what is expected Self reference repeating iteration or pattern Instability easily changed or destabilized Uncomputability not calculable Connectivity everything effects everything else Butterfly effect Emergence o rganization from randomness Ex: the mental ah ha moment So why chaos theory? Well first there is the first law of thermodynamics that s...