Gardening Preparation

Lately I have been working on my backyard - trying to become a gardener. I have the greenhouse up and the raised planter beds built and filled with soil, but I can't plant, the weather here is still too unpredictable I don't want to plant stuff and then have it die due to an untimely frost. Being the retired science teacher I of course am approaching my garden systematically. I bought worm pellets as a natural fertilizer and pesticide. I know some of the plants will need amendments in the soil. The macro and micro nutrients for plants are C HOPKINS CaFe MgGd MoB CuMnZ In, The three most important elements are Nitrogen Potassium and Phosphorus. Without these nutrients the plants won't grow or will have weak roots or leaves. I am not a good gardener I probably kill more than I grow but SLOWLY I am improving. WE are all gardeners and gardens according to God's word Here are a couple of references Amos 9:15 NLT I will firmly p lant them there in their own land. They w...