Power of the Blood
I am of the firm opinion that just as humanity reflects our Creator, the creation also has characteristics that can inform us about our Creator. Lately I've been thinking about blood. It is essential to our spiritual and physical lives. The very first time God used it to cover our sin was when He slaughtered an innocent animal to cover the nakedness of Adam and Eve. In Exodus 24:1-8 the first covenant between God and Israel was signified by blood. In the new covenant, it is Jesus's blood on the cross that supplies a new sacrifice on our behalf what the book of Hebrews calls a more perfect offering. The primary function of blood in the body is to deliver oxygen and nutrients to, and remove wastes from, the body's cells; but that is only the beginning. The specific functions of blood also include defense, and maintenance of homeostasis, such as distributing heat where it is needed Before we get into the functions let's look at the composition of blood. Figure 18.1.2 M...